MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
MAC Vendor JSON database
Get access to our updated and comprehensive MAC address database for free. Available for download in JSON, CSV and Cisco "vendorMacs.xml" format from the following links: JSON, CSV, or Cisco "vendorMacs.xml" format.
Each file has over 53K unique MAC prefixes.
MAC Vendor Database JSON
Unique MAC address: 53051Updated: 9 November 2024
"macPrefix": "00:00:00",
"vendorName": "XEROX CORPORATION",
"private": false,
"blockType": "MA-L",
"lastUpdate": "2015/11/17"
Attribute | Description |
macPrefix | MAC address prefix |
vendorName | Vendor/Company Name |
private | If true: Company name & address will not be displayed on public listing |
blockType | MAC address block:
lastUpdate | When MAC information was last updated. Format (YYYY-MM-DD) |