MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd.
OUI History
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd.
17 November 2015
B-10F Woolim Lion's Valley 371-28, Geuncheon-gu Seoul 153-803, KR
Update(s):- Address
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd.
31 December 2007
Woolim Lion's Valley Bldg-B 10th F, #371-28 Kasan-dong, Keum-cheun-gu Seoul 153-803, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Update(s):- Address
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd.
24 November 2005
B-10F Woolim Lion's Valley 371-28, Gasan-dong, Geuncheon-gu Seoul 153-803, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Update(s):- Address
NURI Telecom Co., Ltd.
03 April 2004
Yuhwa Securities B/D 14F #23- Yoido-Dong, Seoul 150-738, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Update(s):- Vendor Name
- Address
14 October 2002
Note: - Initial registration