MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
ITX Security Co., Ltd.
OUI History
ITX Security Co., Ltd.
17 November 2015
9F Kolon Digital Tower Aston Bldg. 505-14, Gasan-dong Geumcheon-gu SEOUL 153-803, KR
Update(s):- Address
ITX Security Co., Ltd.
30 December 2008
9F Kolon Digital Tower Aston Bldg. 505-14, Gasan-dong Geumcheon-gu SEOUL 153-803, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Update(s):- Vendor Name
- Address
Intellix Co., Ltd.
05 June 2004
3rd Fl. Kwansung Bldg., 129-14 Samsung-dong Kangnam-gu, SEOUL Kyungi-do 135-090, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Note:- Initial registration