MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
Vtron Pty Ltd
MAC address prefix 00:50:C2:F3:E is registered to Vtron Pty Ltd, located at Unit 262 Township Drive WestWest Burleigh Queensland 4219AU.
This registration is classified as IAB
The prefix was initially registered on 15 March 2012, with the most recent update made on 28 October 2017.
OUI: 00:50:C2:F3:E
Vendor name: Vtron Pty Ltd
Assignment Type IAB Unit 2
62 Township Drive West
West Burleigh Queensland 4219
Individual Address Blocks. Number of address 2^24 (~16 Million)
Last updated: 28 October 2017
Initial registration: 15 March 2012