Shenzhen Liandian Communication Technology Co.LTD

MAC address prefix 1C:A0:EF:D is registered to Shenzhen Liandian Communication Technology Co.LTD, located at 1307building A4workshop 2LiLang International Jewelry Industrial Park31 Bulan Roadxialilang communityNanwan streetLonggang DistrictShenzhen Guangdong 518112CN.

This registration is classified as MA-M (Mac Address Block Medium) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses

The prefix was registered on 02 February 2021, and no subsequent updates have been recorded.


Vendor name: Shenzhen Liandian Communication Technology Co.LTD


building A4
workshop 2
LiLang International Jewelry Industrial Park
31 Bulan Road
xialilang community
Nanwan street
Longgang District
Shenzhen Guangdong 518112

Assignment Type MA-M

Mac Address Block Medium. Number of address 2^20 (~1 Million)

Initial registration: 02 February 2021

MAC Address Vendor Country CN map