MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
MAC address prefix 40:D8:55:1B:C is registered to KbDevice,Inc., located at Takakura building F3 465-2 Senshouji-chou takatujitouri yanaginobannba nishiiru shimogyou-kukyoto-shi kyoto-fu 600-8076JP.
This registration is classified as IAB
The prefix was initially registered on 20 January 2014, with the most recent update made on 29 August 2015.
OUI: 40:D8:55:1B:C
Vendor name: KbDevice,Inc.
Assignment Type IAB Takakura building F3 465-2 Senshouji-chou takatujitouri yanaginobannba nishiiru shimogyou-ku
kyoto-shi kyoto-fu 600-8076
Individual Address Blocks. Number of address 2^24 (~16 Million)
Last updated: 29 August 2015
Initial registration: 20 January 2014