Beijing Daswell Science and Technology Co.LTD

MAC address prefix 70:B3:D5:06:F is registered to Beijing Daswell Science and Technology Co.LTD, located at 6th floorBuilding BDachen Industry ParkNO.10 Jingyuan StreetBDABeijing Beijing 100176CN.

This registration is classified as MA-S (Mac Address Block Small, formerly known as OUI-36) containing approximately 4096 MAC addresses per block

The prefix was registered on 05 April 2018, and no subsequent updates have been recorded.

OUI: 70:B3:D5:06:F

Vendor name: Beijing Daswell Science and Technology Co.LTD


6th floor
Building B
Dachen Industry Park
NO.10 Jingyuan Street
Beijing Beijing 100176

Assignment Type MA-S

Mac Address Block Small (previously named OUI-36, encompasses IAB Assignments). Number of address 2^12 (4096)

Initial registration: 05 April 2018

MAC Address Vendor Country CN map