MAC Address Lookup
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Zioncom Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd.
OUI History
Zioncom Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd.
11 April 2016
A1&A2 building,lantian technology park, xinyu road, xingqiao henggang block, shajing street, Baoan District, shenzhen guangdong 518000, CN
Update(s):- Vendor Name
Zioncom technology co.,ltd
17 November 2015
A1&A2 building,lantian technology park, xinyu road, xingqiao henggang block, shajing street, Baoan District, shenzhen guangdong 518000, CN
Update(s):- Address
Zioncom technology co.,ltd
05 January 2010
A1&A2 building,lantian technology park, xinyu road, xingqiao henggang block, shajing street, Baoan District, shenzhen guangdong 518000, CHINA
Note:- Initial registration