MAC Address Lookup
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BYD Auto lndustry Co.,Ltd
MAC address prefix 78:D4:F1:4 is registered to BYD Auto lndustry Co.,Ltd, located at No.3009 BYD RoadBuilding D23BYD EPRIPingShan DistrictShenZhen GuangDong 518118CN.
This registration is classified as MA-M (Mac Address Block Medium) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses
The prefix was registered on 23 November 2020, and no subsequent updates have been recorded.
OUI: 78:D4:F1:4
Vendor name: BYD Auto lndustry Co.,Ltd
Assignment Type MA-M No.3009 BYD Road
Building D23
PingShan District
ShenZhen GuangDong 518118
Mac Address Block Medium. Number of address 2^20 (~1 Million)
Initial registration: 23 November 2020