Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
TCL Yuxin Zhixing Technology (Huizhou) Co.,Ltd
MAC address prefix 80:0E:A9 is registered to TCL Yuxin Zhixing Technology (Huizhou) Co.,Ltd, located at No. 86Hechang 7th Road WestZhongkai High tech ZoneHuizhou CityGuangdong ProvinceHui Zhoui Guang Dong 516006CN.
This registration is classified as MA-L (Mac Address Block Large) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses
The prefix was registered on 22 January 2025, and no subsequent updates have been recorded.
OUI: 80:0E:A9
Vendor name: TCL Yuxin Zhixing Technology (Huizhou) Co.,Ltd
No. 86
Hechang 7th Road West
Zhongkai High tech Zone
Huizhou City
Guangdong Province
Hui Zhoui Guang Dong 516006
Mac Address Block Large (previously named OUI). Number of address 2^24 (~16 Million)
Initial registration: 22 January 2025