MAC Address Lookup
Find the vendor name of a device by entering an OUI or a MAC address
LG Electronics (Mobile Communications)
MAC address prefix 88:C9:D0 is registered to LG Electronics (Mobile Communications), located at 60-39Gasan-dongGeumcheon-guSeoul 153-801KR.
This registration is classified as MA-L (Mac Address Block Large) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses
The prefix was initially registered on 13 July 2014, with the most recent update made on 27 April 2016.
OUI: 88:C9:D0
Vendor name: LG Electronics (Mobile Communications)
Assignment Type MA-L 60-39
Seoul 153-801
Mac Address Block Large (previously named OUI). Number of address 2^24 (~16 Million)
Last updated: 27 April 2016
Initial registration: 13 July 2014