Kunshan Erlab ductless filtration system Co.,Ltd

MAC address prefix D8:DC:E9 is registered to Kunshan Erlab ductless filtration system Co.,Ltd, located at NO.100 Liu Shi Jin RoadKunshan Jiangsu 215300CN.

This registration is classified as MA-L (Mac Address Block Large) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses

The prefix was initially registered on 28 March 2013, with the most recent update made on 17 November 2015.


Vendor name: Kunshan Erlab ductless filtration system Co.,Ltd


NO.100 Liu Shi Jin Road
Kunshan Jiangsu 215300

Assignment Type MA-L

Mac Address Block Large (previously named OUI). Number of address 2^24 (~16 Million)

Last updated: 17 November 2015

Initial registration: 28 March 2013

MAC Address Vendor Country CN map