Ant Financial(Hang Zhou)Network Technology Co.,Ltd.

MAC address prefix FC:A4:7A:2 is registered to Ant Financial(Hang Zhou)Network Technology Co.,Ltd., located at 801-108th Floor B Section556Xixi RoadXihuDistrictHangzhouCity ZhejiangProvince 310007CN.

This registration is classified as MA-M (Mac Address Block Medium) containing approximately 16 million MAC addresses

The prefix was registered on 26 April 2019, and no subsequent updates have been recorded.

OUI: FC:A4:7A:2

Vendor name: Ant Financial(Hang Zhou)Network Technology Co.,Ltd.


8th Floor B Section
556Xixi Road

HangzhouCity ZhejiangProvince 310007

Assignment Type MA-M

Mac Address Block Medium. Number of address 2^20 (~1 Million)

Initial registration: 26 April 2019

MAC Address Vendor Country CN map